Number Analysis Algorithms

Please find some of the most popular number analysis algorithms used by lottery players worldwide. Knowing such information will definitely help lottery players to apply correct filters to narrow down the number combinations and play smart.

Adjacent Pair Analysis

Adjacent Pairs Hit Frequency and Rank Analysis:

Adjacent Pairs Hit Frequency and Rank Analysis is a comprehensive study telling you how many times each adjacent pair of numbers in the analyzed lottery hit in the selected time period. It ranks the adjacent pairs according to how often they are hit. 

Adjacent Pairs Pattern Analysis:

Adjacent Pairs Pattern Analysis gives you the probability that two consecutive numbers will win together in your lottery of choice.

Balance Analysis

Balance Level Analysis:

Balance Level Analysis is a very practical and useful tool. You can use it to determine if a combination is good to play by its balance of odd-even, low-high numbers and the range of the sum of the numbers.

Digit Analysis

The General Pattern of All Digits Analysis:

The General Pattern of All Digits Analysis is a useful tool, enabling us to predict the tendencies of numbers to be drawn.

Detailed Digit Pattern Analysis:

By using the Detailed Digit Pattern Analysis, you can find the lower and upper range of the analyzed digit, and exactly how many times each number in the digit range hit in the selected period. By limiting the range of numbers used in selecting each digit in the combination, we can increase your chances of winning.

Elapsed Time Analysis

Current Elapsed Time Analysis:

Current Elapse Time Analysis shows you how long a number has been “waiting” since the last time it was drawn as part of a winning combination. It also tells the ranks of the numbers according to their current elapse times. The longer the current elapse time, the higher the rank, the more overdue the number.

Elapsed Time Trend Analysis:

Using the Elapse Time Trend Analysis gives you most valuable information on the winning and losing behavior of the numbers you analyze. This behavior can be used to predict the winning and losing likelihood of numbers in the near future and is also very reliable in choosing the last digit numbers for multi-state Mega Millions, Powerball and other similar Jackpot games.


Group Analysis

Month Group Analysis:

Want to know the best months to play certain numbers? The Month Group Analysis tells you what numbers have the best performances by month during a selected time period.

Number Group Analysis:

Using the Number Group Analysis increases your chances of hitting a jackpot by reducing the field of likely winning numbers. It tells you what numbers in which of the number groups is most likely to win.


Hit Frequency Analysis

Hit Frequency and Rank Analysis:

Hit Frequency and Rank Analysis provides you with important fundamental information – how many times all of the numbers in an analyzed lottery hit in a selected time period, and their rank compared to the other numbers.

Hot-Cold Trend Analysis:

This is one of the most useful algorithms you can have in your arsenal. The Hot-Cold Trend Analysis tracks hit frequency ranks during different periods, and uses the variations found to predict hot and cold tendencies in the near future of particular numbers.

Low – High Analysis

Low – High Pattern Analysis:

This is a strong tool to help you determine which combinations are good to play and which should be avoided. A Low-High Pattern Analysis tells you which low-high combinations are frequent winners, as well as rare winners.

Low – High Trend Analysis:

Low-High Trend Analysis tells exactly how many numbers in the winning combinations during the selected time period are low and high numbers. It also gives the difference between the low and high numbers percentage so that the trend of low and high numbers to be drawn in the near future can be predicted.

Odd – Even Analysis

Odd – Even Pattern Analysis:

Odd-Even Pattern Analysis tells what odd-even types of combinations win most frequently and what odd-even types of combinations win most rarely. It can be used to determine which combinations are good to play and which combinations should be avoided.

Odd – Even Trend Analysis:

Odd-Even Trend Analysis tells exactly how many numbers in the winning combinations during the selected time period are odd and even numbers. It also gives the difference between the odd and even numbers percentage so that the trend of odd and even numbers to be drawn in the near future can be predicted.

Pairs Analysis

Correlative Frequency and Rank Analysis:

When you have a specific number you strongly wish to play, the Correlative Frequency and Rank Analysis helps you build a winning combination around that number. It shows you the closeness between the analyzed number and all other numbers in the number field during a selected time period.

Top Pair Analysis:

By analyzing how many times all possible pairs of numbers won together during a selected time period, Top Pairs Analysis becomes a simple and convenient tool for creating combinations. You can select those pairs that are frequent winners.

Repetition Analysis

Repetition Pattern Analysis:

Repetition is an important characteristic to analyze in lottery games. Repetition Pattern Analysis reveals the repetition tendencies of an analyzed lottery – how many numbers in a winning combination were also the winning numbers in previous draws.

Repetition Frequency & Rank Analysis:

Repetition Frequency and Rank Analysis points you toward likely winning numbers, based on recent lottery results and the likelihood of repetition. The algorithm tells which winning numbers of the last “n”th draw are most likely to win again, in which “n” is the user selected repeating pace.

Sum Analysis

Sum Pattern Analysis:

Sum Pattern Analysis lets you take a look at all of the numbers in the combination you’ve selected. Add the numbers together. The sum of those numbers can be critically important in determining your likelihood of winning.

Sum Trend Analysis:

Sum Trend Analysis gives you an evidence-based prediction on the range in which the sum of the winning numbers from the next draw will reside.

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4 years ago

How do you play this game for your state

4 years ago

I love the last seen mirror data you have added. Thanks so much.

Dorothea Thomas
Dorothea Thomas
4 years ago
Reply to  Charloote

Yes that is great love all the upgrades

Cynthia McPhatter
Cynthia McPhatter
5 years ago

Trying to understand how you play this game

5 years ago

Hi Cynthia, The best way to learn and analyze these is using historical facts and patterns. You can keep checking the Lottery Tools & Utilities section, where more tools are going to be added to help everyone finding overdue numbers, Sums etc… Please note that some of the tools are still under construction and will be active as soon as they will be ready to use. Good Luck.

Cynthia McPhatter
Cynthia McPhatter
5 years ago

Trying to understand how you play