State Lottery Information
State Lotteries Draw & Cut-Off Times STATE Days Game Name Draw Times Cut-off Time Arizona Mon-Sat Pick 3 10:00 PM 9:59 PM Arkansas Daily Cash 3 1:59 PM & 7:59 PM 1:55 PM & 7:55 PM Arkansas Daily Cash 4 Read more
This category contains all useful articles related to Lottery Fundamentals and is aimed to help lottery players across the world to learn the fundamentals.
State Lotteries Draw & Cut-Off Times STATE Days Game Name Draw Times Cut-off Time Arizona Mon-Sat Pick 3 10:00 PM 9:59 PM Arkansas Daily Cash 3 1:59 PM & 7:59 PM 1:55 PM & 7:55 PM Arkansas Daily Cash 4 Read more
The following table lists all possible PICK 4 BOX combinations. There are total 210 Singles and 360 doubles combinations in PICK 4. This is a helpful chart to pick the numbers to play based on the desired playing strategy and Read more
Adjacent Pair Analysis Balance Analysis Digit Analysis Elapsed Time Analysis Group Analysis Hit Frequency Analysis Low – High Analysis Odd – Even Analysis Pairs Analysis Repetition Analysis Sum Analysis
There are total 220 BOX combinations of Pick 3 lottery. These 220 combinations are further categorized in different categories as per the lottery terminology. The following table lists all possible PICK 3 BOX combinations by different categories. This is a Read more
Mirror States are the states when the winning numbers of one state usually follows part or whole winning numbers of another state regardless of geography. The concept is similar to the Mirror Image or Mirror Numbers. Each state can be Read more
The following table represents SUM Chart for all possible 37 sums of PICK 4 numbers. The SUM chart simply displays for a given SUM what the the possible number combinations. It also lists the odds for a given SUM in Read more
The below chart displays SUM of the 3 digits drawn in PICK 3. The SUM of PICK 3 digits range from 0 to 27. The chart simply explains the possible number combinations for each of the SUM along with total Read more
Lottery Math is slightly different than the regular math operations. This article will provide a high-level overview of the Lottery Math used by most of the Lottery Players. The basic rule followed in the Lottery Math is that when adding Read more
The Rundown This method will hopefully help you win in the Pick 3 games. As the method implies, the numbers must be touching each other in some way. More on this later. Touching Numbers can simply be defined as the Read more