North Carolina – Quads & Triple Triggers & Followers

North Carolina – Quads and Trips Trigger & Follower Numbers (Pick 3 & Pick 4)

Please note, a more advanced tool is now available to find Triggers & Followers for any number / VTRAC and allows to search for all states. Click here for more Information.


  1. Sort by Number  – To see all 3 sets (DAY_DAY, EVE-EVE, ALL Draw) for a given number together.
  2. Sort by Game Type – Pick 3 / Pick 4  
  3. DAY TO DAY: Day number trigger for next Day Draw Trip / Quads ; Numbers followed by Trip / Quads in next Day Draw
  4. EVE to EVE:   Eve number trigger for next Eve Draw Trip / Quads ; Numbers followed by Trip / Quads in next Eve Draw
  5. ALL DRAWS :  Number that triggered Trips/ Quads in next Draws ; Numbers followed by Trip / Quads in next Draw

Trigger Numbers – These are the numbers which triggered the corresponding Triples and Quads.

Follower Numbers – These are the numbers which came after the corresponding Triples and Quads.

All numbers are sorted (e.g. 4815 is written as 1458), so you can easily search the triggers using the available Search option.

Good Luck Everyone.

Triggers and Followers

NCPICK 4DAY_TO_DAY0000['0578']['1248']
NCPICK 4ALL_DRAWS0000['3469']['1246']
NCPICK 4EVE_TO_EVE0001['6899', '3789']['0338', '0238']
NCPICK 4DAY_TO_DAY0001['2699', '0446']['3889', '2246']
NCPICK 4ALL_DRAWS0001['0266', '2388', '5778', '0245']['2267', '5677', '2567', '0588']
NCPICK 4EVE_TO_EVE0004['1599', '2257', '2479']['1445', '2367', '1257']
NCPICK 4ALL_DRAWS0004['0889', '0146', '2479']['0126', '3589', '1257']
NCPICK 4DAY_TO_DAY0005['3479', '1137']['1455', '3577']
NCPICK 4ALL_DRAWS0005['2346', '1488']['5558', '1266']
NCPICK 4EVE_TO_EVE0006['0478', '0135', '1178', '3466']['1579', '3779', '3357', '0336']
NCPICK 4DAY_TO_DAY0006['1458', '2277']['0125', '0349']
NCPICK 4ALL_DRAWS0006['2335', '2359', '0055', '2389', '2346', '3466']['5557', '1122', '1999', '1679', '1344', '0336']
NCPICK 4EVE_TO_EVE0007['0236', '1159']['0278', '4457']
NCPICK 4DAY_TO_DAY0007['0359']['2345']
NCPICK 4ALL_DRAWS0007['5799', '0144', '1159']['2788', '2899', '4457']
NCPICK 4EVE_TO_EVE0008['0599', '0229', '1379']['1458', '1568', '3468']
NCPICK 4DAY_TO_DAY0008['2569', '3469']['0467', '2356']
NCPICK 4ALL_DRAWS0008['0114', '1135', '0027', '1278', '0158']['4448', '1249', '5578', '1378', '1167']
NCPICK 4EVE_TO_EVE0009['1489', '1115', '1167']['0233', '0259', '1246']
NCPICK 4ALL_DRAWS0009['2246', '0299', '1167']['0345', '2357', '1246']
NCPICK 4EVE_TO_EVE0222['0114']['1256']
NCPICK 4ALL_DRAWS0222['0679']['1137']
NCPICK 4EVE_TO_EVE0333['3666', '6889']['0689', '3568']
NCPICK 4ALL_DRAWS0333['1578', '3468']['1128', '0169']
NCPICK 4EVE_TO_EVE0444['4778']['2466']
NCPICK 4DAY_TO_DAY0444['4557']['0459']
NCPICK 4ALL_DRAWS0444['1677', '4778']['3478', '2466']
NCPICK 4EVE_TO_EVE0666['5558']['0678']
NCPICK 4DAY_TO_DAY0666['5789', '1266', '4668']['0679', '1278', '1557']
NCPICK 4ALL_DRAWS0666['1455', '1245', '3669', '1118']['3455', '0114', '0078', '0449']
NCPICK 4EVE_TO_EVE0777['0149']['2346']
NCPICK 4DAY_TO_DAY0777['0356', '1246']['6689', '2557']
NCPICK 4ALL_DRAWS0777['2233', '1226', '0477']['1156', '2269', '3488']
NCPICK 4DAY_TO_DAY0888['0778']['1458']
NCPICK 4ALL_DRAWS0888['3567']['3445']
NCPICK 4EVE_TO_EVE0999['0289']['1247']
NCPICK 4DAY_TO_DAY0999['3347', '0169']['0359', '3347']
NCPICK 4ALL_DRAWS0999['4479', '2577', '0289']['0226', '1238', '1247']
NCPICK 4EVE_TO_EVE1111['2388']['0359']
NCPICK 4ALL_DRAWS1111['0035']['3589']
NCPICK 4EVE_TO_EVE1112['1569']['5568']
NCPICK 4DAY_TO_DAY1112['0379']['0249']
NCPICK 4ALL_DRAWS1112['0789', '0388']['2355', '1579']
NCPICK 4EVE_TO_EVE1113['0055', '2267', '2346']['3588', '4558', '1449']
NCPICK 4ALL_DRAWS1113['3799', '3445', '2346']['2268', '6689', '1449']
NCPICK 4EVE_TO_EVE1114['2459', '3556', '2446', '1777']['4478', '2359', '3667', '0129']
NCPICK 4DAY_TO_DAY1114['7788']['2458']
NCPICK 4ALL_DRAWS1114['2468', '4556', '0124', '2446', '1777']['0115', '0224', '1599', '3667', '0129']
NCPICK 4EVE_TO_EVE1115['2579', '1567']['0259', '0009']
NCPICK 4DAY_TO_DAY1115['1127']['2789']
NCPICK 4ALL_DRAWS1115['0156', '4447', '0129']['2456', '2456', '0299']
NCPICK 4EVE_TO_EVE1116['0455']['0469']
NCPICK 4ALL_DRAWS1116['0455']['0469']
NCPICK 4EVE_TO_EVE1117['1248']['0255']
NCPICK 4ALL_DRAWS1117['1248']['0255']
NCPICK 4EVE_TO_EVE1118['0156', '2378', '0124']['0449', '3455', '4599']
NCPICK 4DAY_TO_DAY1118['0467']['0238']
NCPICK 4ALL_DRAWS1118['1244', '4668', '0369', '1678']['1345', '0666', '0799', '2679']
NCPICK 4DAY_TO_DAY1119['2479']['0457']
NCPICK 4ALL_DRAWS1119['0447']['1299']
NCPICK 4EVE_TO_EVE1222['1688']['0023']
NCPICK 4ALL_DRAWS1222['0128']['1466']
NCPICK 4DAY_TO_DAY1333['2389', '1579']['0579', '2448']
NCPICK 4ALL_DRAWS1333['1335', '1567']['0149', '2247']
NCPICK 4EVE_TO_EVE1444['2389']['2355']
NCPICK 4DAY_TO_DAY1444['0166']['3469']
NCPICK 4ALL_DRAWS1444['6778', '6689']['1237', '5779']
NCPICK 4EVE_TO_EVE1555['0278', '0155']['1569', '0236']
NCPICK 4ALL_DRAWS1555['0347', '0155']['0013', '0236']
NCPICK 4EVE_TO_EVE1666['5557']['0379']
NCPICK 4DAY_TO_DAY1666['3445', '1556']['3788', '1469']
NCPICK 4ALL_DRAWS1666['5699', '3789', '5557']['0123', '2678', '0379']
NCPICK 4EVE_TO_EVE1777['0488', '2356']['2689', '1114']
NCPICK 4DAY_TO_DAY1777['2468']['0347']
NCPICK 4ALL_DRAWS1777['0458', '1179', '2356']['2678', '3447', '1114']
NCPICK 4EVE_TO_EVE1888['1248', '3567']['0249', '3448']
NCPICK 4ALL_DRAWS1888['1899', '2689']['1348', '0137']
NCPICK 4EVE_TO_EVE1999['1135', '2579', '2479']['0126', '6788', '1689']
NCPICK 4DAY_TO_DAY1999['0467', '1133', '0055']['1899', '0229', '1456']
NCPICK 4ALL_DRAWS1999['0335', '2799', '2468', '0006', '0448', '2479']['0347', '1248', '0046', '1579', '0449', '1689']
NCPICK 4EVE_TO_EVE2222['0345']['1278']
NCPICK 4DAY_TO_DAY2222['0489']['2258']
NCPICK 4ALL_DRAWS2222['0788', '1136']['1237', '0456']
NCPICK 4EVE_TO_EVE2223['0268', '3579']['1345', '1499']
NCPICK 4DAY_TO_DAY2223['6689']['5667']
NCPICK 4ALL_DRAWS2223['0123', '5788', '1345']['2347', '1579', '1278']
NCPICK 4EVE_TO_EVE2224['2347', '2799']['2689', '1338']
NCPICK 4DAY_TO_DAY2224['1246']['1447']
NCPICK 4ALL_DRAWS2224['1228', '3789', '2799']['2455', '0129', '1338']
NCPICK 4EVE_TO_EVE2225['2455']['0159']
NCPICK 4ALL_DRAWS2225['0557']['5679']
NCPICK 4EVE_TO_EVE2226['1128', '1679']['3889', '2569']
NCPICK 4ALL_DRAWS2226['1128', '1679']['3889', '2569']
NCPICK 4EVE_TO_EVE2227['4568', '2269', '1225']['2559', '1558', '4558']
NCPICK 4ALL_DRAWS2227['5677', '0056', '1225']['0155', '3446', '4558']
NCPICK 4EVE_TO_EVE2229['1478', '0138']['4589', '0129']
NCPICK 4DAY_TO_DAY2229['2446', '5669']['0588', '0127']
NCPICK 4ALL_DRAWS2229['3456', '1357', '2359', '1126']['2379', '1256', '3699', '0147']
NCPICK 4EVE_TO_EVE2333['0189', '2236']['0069', '3466']
NCPICK 4DAY_TO_DAY2333['5788', '1335']['5889', '3679']
NCPICK 4ALL_DRAWS2333['0168', '0679', '0189', '2344']['0234', '2559', '0257', '2457']
NCPICK 4DAY_TO_DAY2444['0579', '1448']['2335', '3445']
NCPICK 4ALL_DRAWS2444['0267', '0226']['3378', '3468']
NCPICK 4EVE_TO_EVE2555['4468', '0159']['1227', '2446']
NCPICK 4ALL_DRAWS2555['2388', '4456']['0369', '0246']
NCPICK 4DAY_TO_DAY2666['0339']['1457']
NCPICK 4ALL_DRAWS2666['0459']['6789']
NCPICK 4EVE_TO_EVE2777['2336']['1179']
NCPICK 4DAY_TO_DAY2777['0119']['1347']
NCPICK 4ALL_DRAWS2777['7789', '0349']['2477', '0138']
NCPICK 4EVE_TO_EVE2888['1125', '2559']['6889', '3688']
NCPICK 4DAY_TO_DAY2888['1129', '2689']['5799', '2249']
NCPICK 4ALL_DRAWS2888['5778', '2248', '3455', '0459']['7899', '1557', '3367', '0028']
NCPICK 4EVE_TO_EVE2999['1456', '1235']['1559', '0059']
NCPICK 4ALL_DRAWS2999['4578', '0011']['1358', '0345']
NCPICK 4EVE_TO_EVE3333['0677']['0278']
NCPICK 4DAY_TO_DAY3333['0469']['3558']
NCPICK 4ALL_DRAWS3333['5899', '0256']['0558', '0568']
NCPICK 4EVE_TO_EVE3334['1168']['0466']
NCPICK 4DAY_TO_DAY3334['0145']['8999']
NCPICK 4ALL_DRAWS3334['0279', '0133']['3457', '1136']
NCPICK 4EVE_TO_EVE3335['3367']['2348']
NCPICK 4DAY_TO_DAY3335['0235']['0045']
NCPICK 4ALL_DRAWS3335['0369', '1127']['0567', '0014']
NCPICK 4EVE_TO_EVE3336['1357']['0155']
NCPICK 4DAY_TO_DAY3336['2669']['1266']
NCPICK 4ALL_DRAWS3336['2667', '1279']['1478', '0119']
NCPICK 4EVE_TO_EVE3337['2567', '1167']['0189', '1248']
NCPICK 4DAY_TO_DAY3337['6799']['4559']
NCPICK 4ALL_DRAWS3337['3389', '2679', '2349']['1556', '5679', '1266']
NCPICK 4EVE_TO_EVE3339['2356', '0126', '4678']['2467', '0028', '6799']
NCPICK 4DAY_TO_DAY3339['2237', '3466']['0558', '1255']
NCPICK 4ALL_DRAWS3339['0678', '2268', '1289', '3688', '0359']['3578', '1278', '1348', '0116', '7899']
NCPICK 4EVE_TO_EVE3444['1457', '0177']['0277', '1137']
NCPICK 4DAY_TO_DAY3444['3478']['3559']
NCPICK 4ALL_DRAWS3444['2667', '2459', '4458']['0679', '0017', '0119']
NCPICK 4EVE_TO_EVE3555['0256']['3566']
NCPICK 4DAY_TO_DAY3555['2346']['0166']
NCPICK 4ALL_DRAWS3555['3579', '0299']['1246', '1245']
NCPICK 4EVE_TO_EVE3666['5567', '5689']['2378', '0333']
NCPICK 4DAY_TO_DAY3666['0057']['1799']
NCPICK 4ALL_DRAWS3666['0146', '2348', '1189']['1268', '1578', '1557']
NCPICK 4EVE_TO_EVE3888['5899', '0589', '4489']['0279', '2558', '3366']
NCPICK 4ALL_DRAWS3888['4569', '1478', '4489']['0155', '3677', '3366']
NCPICK 4EVE_TO_EVE4445['2368', '1278']['6778', '2357']
NCPICK 4DAY_TO_DAY4445['0456', '5899']['1266', '0478']
NCPICK 4ALL_DRAWS4445['4477', '3779', '0589', '1278']['1157', '0248', '1149', '2357']
NCPICK 4DAY_TO_DAY4446['1179', '1268']['0348', '1459']
NCPICK 4ALL_DRAWS4446['0357', '0256']['0234', '0169']
NCPICK 4EVE_TO_EVE4447['3456']['3599']
NCPICK 4DAY_TO_DAY4447['0199']['2456']
NCPICK 4ALL_DRAWS4447['1236', '2579']['1669', '1115']
NCPICK 4EVE_TO_EVE4448['4578']['2678']
NCPICK 4DAY_TO_DAY4448['0114', '1248', '2247', '1338']['0289', '1233', '1146', '0136']
NCPICK 4ALL_DRAWS4448['0008', '1155', '6888', '0258', '1578']['1458', '4569', '0138', '0247', '4456']
NCPICK 4EVE_TO_EVE4449['2346']['0158']
NCPICK 4DAY_TO_DAY4449['5568', '0566', '1178', '1778', '2577', '3778']['4689', '0124', '0236', '1278', '3699', '2467']
NCPICK 4ALL_DRAWS4449['0237', '4679', '1259', '1227', '3889', '0467', '0167']['6799', '0016', '5559', '1579', '1379', '3557', '1167']
NCPICK 4EVE_TO_EVE4555['4589', '1668', '0489']['0267', '2567', '1278']
NCPICK 4DAY_TO_DAY4555['1256']['1158']
NCPICK 4ALL_DRAWS4555['0278', '0268', '1238', '5667']['6889', '6678', '0168', '3457']
NCPICK 4EVE_TO_EVE4666['3346']['2257']
NCPICK 4DAY_TO_DAY4666['2499']['1478']
NCPICK 4ALL_DRAWS4666['0668', '2399']['2689', '0345']
NCPICK 4EVE_TO_EVE4777['1579']['0049']
NCPICK 4ALL_DRAWS4777['1579']['0049']
NCPICK 4EVE_TO_EVE4888['1299', '3488']['3456', '0223']
NCPICK 4DAY_TO_DAY4888['0116', '2367']['0146', '1268']
NCPICK 4ALL_DRAWS4888['0199', '1458', '2467', '3457']['1899', '1168', '2344', '0467']
NCPICK 4EVE_TO_EVE4999['1346', '0023', '1689']['0569', '4567', '1289']
NCPICK 4DAY_TO_DAY4999['7777']['0035']
NCPICK 4ALL_DRAWS4999['1248', '2346', '0389', '5668']['1344', '1169', '1228', '4459']
NCPICK 4EVE_TO_EVE5556['1559', '0269']['4678', '2278']
NCPICK 4DAY_TO_DAY5556['2378']['5789']
NCPICK 4ALL_DRAWS5556['1247', '0156', '0269']['3567', '2345', '2278']
NCPICK 4EVE_TO_EVE5557['2335', '1889', '2668', '0577']['1238', '3466', '1666', '0099']
NCPICK 4DAY_TO_DAY5557['1299']['1789']
NCPICK 4ALL_DRAWS5557['0006', '1249', '1124', '2668', '0577']['0125', '0256', '0136', '1666', '0099']
NCPICK 4EVE_TO_EVE5558['2346', '1178']['0666', '2358']
NCPICK 4DAY_TO_DAY5558['0116']['3479']
NCPICK 4ALL_DRAWS5558['0005', '1127', '0688']['1455', '5689', '4456']
NCPICK 4EVE_TO_EVE5559['1259', '1289']['2355', '2356']
NCPICK 4DAY_TO_DAY5559['0336']['1238']
NCPICK 4ALL_DRAWS5559['4449', '4899', '1237']['0236', '0079', '0489']
NCPICK 4DAY_TO_DAY5666['3458']['4578']
NCPICK 4ALL_DRAWS5666['2699']['7789']
NCPICK 4EVE_TO_EVE5777['2459', '1469']['1688', '2266']
NCPICK 4DAY_TO_DAY5777['0016']['5579']
NCPICK 4ALL_DRAWS5777['0559', '5689', '2489']['0122', '0269', '2389']
NCPICK 4EVE_TO_EVE5888['0027', '2567', '3799']['1288', '0127', '1489']
NCPICK 4ALL_DRAWS5888['0237', '1267', '2458']['1588', '0157', '0239']
NCPICK 4DAY_TO_DAY5999['1129', '5688', '2557']['0668', '2377', '4567']
NCPICK 4ALL_DRAWS5999['3599', '0078', '1338']['2556', '1677', '2256']
NCPICK 4EVE_TO_EVE6666['1679']['4569']
NCPICK 4DAY_TO_DAY6666['3349']['6688']
NCPICK 4ALL_DRAWS6666['1589', '0188']['4588', '2234']
NCPICK 4EVE_TO_EVE6667['2589', '2238', '0256']['0126', '0357', '1334']
NCPICK 4ALL_DRAWS6667['0344', '2238', '0256']['0124', '0357', '1334']
NCPICK 4EVE_TO_EVE6668['3688', '0457', '4457']['0239', '0119', '1377']
NCPICK 4ALL_DRAWS6668['1446', '2669', '4457']['4467', '3567', '1377']
NCPICK 4EVE_TO_EVE6669['5667', '1267']['4679', '1477']
NCPICK 4DAY_TO_DAY6669['0115']['4468']
NCPICK 4ALL_DRAWS6669['0134', '0679', '0299']['0237', '0448', '3456']
NCPICK 4DAY_TO_DAY6888['0246', '1557']['0445', '0138']
NCPICK 4ALL_DRAWS6888['1789', '4578']['0189', '4448']
NCPICK 4EVE_TO_EVE6999['1168', '1289']['4689', '0125']
NCPICK 4DAY_TO_DAY6999['0699', '2379']['0889', '0136']
NCPICK 4ALL_DRAWS6999['0089', '2579', '1488', '1289']['0238', '0138', '4578', '0125']
NCPICK 4DAY_TO_DAY7777['0119']['4999']
NCPICK 4ALL_DRAWS7777['1357']['1248']
NCPICK 4DAY_TO_DAY7778['0446']['0224']
NCPICK 4ALL_DRAWS7778['0225']['2667']
NCPICK 4EVE_TO_EVE7779['4567']['2247']
NCPICK 4DAY_TO_DAY7779['1337', '1689']['0289', '5679']
NCPICK 4ALL_DRAWS7779['2256', '0045', '4567']['1167', '0149', '2247']
NCPICK 4EVE_TO_EVE7888['3379', '0468', '0015', '0127', '0388']['0245', '0037', '1147', '1359', '2259']
NCPICK 4DAY_TO_DAY7888['2445']['1569']
NCPICK 4ALL_DRAWS7888['0177', '2899', '0267', '3589', '1255', '0129']['3558', '3557', '1147', '4789', '1367', '0379']
NCPICK 4DAY_TO_DAY7999['1469', '0457']['0789', '1448']
NCPICK 4ALL_DRAWS7999['5568', '0468']['2377', '1367']
NCPICK 4EVE_TO_EVE8889['2677']['1177']
NCPICK 4ALL_DRAWS8889['2566']['0077']
NCPICK 4DAY_TO_DAY8999['3334', '3449']['5789', '0157']
NCPICK 4ALL_DRAWS8999['3457', '2679']['6899', '2238']
NCPICK 4EVE_TO_EVE9999['1469']['5778']
NCPICK 4ALL_DRAWS9999['5899']['1134']
NCPICK 3EVE_TO_EVE000['045', '457', '444', '114', '336', '567']['016', '222', '349', '225', '069', '001']
NCPICK 3DAY_TO_DAY000['237', '699']['066', '788']
NCPICK 3ALL_DRAWS000['347', '457', '578', '119', '247', '589', '467', '567']['357', '045', '159', '999', '045', '139', '358', '001']
NCPICK 3EVE_TO_EVE111['035', '388', '257', '116', '129']['012', '279', '189', '006', '028']
NCPICK 3DAY_TO_DAY111['237', '057', '367', '126', '247']['233', '568', '056', '679', '568']
NCPICK 3ALL_DRAWS111['078', '018', '035', '015', '237', '557', '779', '036', '467', '129']['018', '057', '444', '679', '366', '338', '389', '019', '477', '028']
NCPICK 3EVE_TO_EVE222['000', '669', '234', '799', '069', '135']['128', '235', '012', '169', '059', '156']
NCPICK 3DAY_TO_DAY222['119', '279', '478']['256', '015', '007']
NCPICK 3ALL_DRAWS222['045', '044', '008', '346', '159', '008', '599', '346', '168']['258', '004', '289', '124', '157', '689', '225', '258', '799']
NCPICK 3EVE_TO_EVE333['334', '569', '456', '247', '079', '005']['112', '018', '169', '135', '224', '288']
NCPICK 3DAY_TO_DAY333['257', '048', '114', '289', '799', '038']['134', '029', '489', '248', '669', '447']
NCPICK 3ALL_DRAWS333['339', '079', '378', '124', '059', '566', '036', '577', '156', '099', '489', '137']['249', '156', '069', '046', '157', '013', '167', '067', '047', '002', '589', '348']
NCPICK 3EVE_TO_EVE444['259', '345', '122', '129', '169', '236']['000', '478', '088', '148', '035', '235']
NCPICK 3DAY_TO_DAY444['129', '023', '146', '345']['789', '488', '336', '399']
NCPICK 3ALL_DRAWS444['111', '069', '224', '356', '114', '477', '256', '129', '023', '167']['012', '578', '047', '568', '578', '455', '788', '006', '035', '014']
NCPICK 3EVE_TO_EVE555['568', '012', '589', '149', '128']['468', '129', '567', '566', '236']
NCPICK 3DAY_TO_DAY555['469', '149', '338', '049', '134']['025', '459', '448', '033', '357']
NCPICK 3ALL_DRAWS555['046', '114', '679', '225', '588', '467', '228', '113', '349', '689']['569', '399', '178', '269', '033', '046', '289', '279', '179', '124']
NCPICK 3EVE_TO_EVE666['279', '015', '789']['058', '569', '027']
NCPICK 3DAY_TO_DAY666['089', '489', '168']['344', '389', '234']
NCPICK 3ALL_DRAWS666['137', '112', '026', '036', '155', '689']['379', '249', '114', '158', '026', '459']
NCPICK 3EVE_TO_EVE777['056', '379', '179']['233', '589', '559']
NCPICK 3DAY_TO_DAY777['016', '588', '267', '235', '226', '126', '003', '178']['139', '367', '113', '178', '267', '144', '129', '012']
NCPICK 3ALL_DRAWS777['449', '166', '225', '478', '445', '028', '066', '366', '335', '347', '179']['468', '078', '067', '246', '689', '257', '033', '226', '678', '589', '559']
NCPICK 3EVE_TO_EVE888['138', '689', '118', '117', '488']['359', '558', '446', '346', '027']
NCPICK 3DAY_TO_DAY888['009', '038', '147', '019']['135', '457', '001', '146']
NCPICK 3ALL_DRAWS888['267', '139', '039', '068', '567', '569', '124', '224', '179']['147', '379', '239', '117', '239', '489', '478', '179', '002']
NCPICK 3EVE_TO_EVE999['446', '334']['233', '479']
NCPICK 3DAY_TO_DAY999['119', '588', '145', '357']['269', '022', '079', '022']
NCPICK 3ALL_DRAWS999['000', '009', '357', '778', '349', '017']['225', '458', '068', '346', '189', '789']

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4 years ago

The followers dont seem very accurate played 4 different followers -no hits

Cynthia McPhatter
Cynthia McPhatter
4 years ago

Good Morning I am new to this app could someone please help me with this triggers and followers how do you go by picking the right number

4 years ago

Hi Cynthia, Thank you for joining the site. In the Triggers & Followers, there is a main number under the Column “Number” . That is your reference number. The numbers in the Triggers column, are the numbers that came before the Number in past history of NCEL. The numbers in the Followers column, are the numbers that came immediately after the Main Number in the NCEL past draws. You will also see a column TYPE with values as DAY_TO_DAY , EVE_TO_EVE and ALL_DRAWS. That simply tells if the followers and Triggers are based on DAY TO DAY Draw, EVE to… Read more »

4 years ago
Reply to  Witty

This is one example for you and others to understand better:
Main Number : 0001 (Pick 4) , EVE_TO_EVE, Triggers – [‘6899’, ‘3789’] , Followers – [‘0338’, ‘0238’]
This means i the past NCEL history, using Eve to Eve draw, 0001 came after 6899 & 3789.
It also tells that in the past NCEL history, 0338 and 0238 came in the Evening draws immediately after 0001 was drawn in the evening.

4 years ago

Several users, use this chart for multiple ways. Some use to find out which numbers can trigger the next upcoming Trips and Quads based on historical results. However some other use this to predict which number can come once the trips and quads are drawn based on historical facts. Please also note, this table simply tells the real historical facts as they happened in the past in NCEL. The lottery game by itself is a game of chance, so please use your own judgment and play responsibly. If you need more information, please feel free to post another question. I… Read more »