There are total 220 BOX combinations of Pick 3 lottery. These 220 combinations are further categorized in different categories as per the lottery terminology. The following table lists all possible PICK 3 BOX combinations by different categories. This is a helpful chart to pick the numbers to play based on the desired playing strategy and can be used as a good filter strategy for selecting the correct number combinations by lottery players.
You can find all possible Number Combinations using the following link – Pick 3 Number Combinations.

CATEGORY TYPE | BOX Combinations |
TRIPLES (10 Combinations) | 000-111-222-333-444 555-666-777-888-999 |
SINGLES (120 Combinations) When all 3 digits are different | 012-013-014-015-016-017-018-019 023-024-025-026-027-028-029 034-035-036-037-038-039 045-046-047-048-049 056-057-058-059 067-068-069 078-079 089 123-124-125-126-127-128-129 134-135-136-137-138-139 145-146-147-148-149 156-157-158-159 167-168-169 178-179 189 234-235-236-237-238-239 245-246-247-248-249 256-257-258-259 267-268-269 278-279 289 345-346-347-348-349 356-357-358-359 367-368-369 378-379 389 456-457-458-459 467-468-469 478-479 489 567-568-569 578-579-589 678-679 689 789 |
DOUBLES (90 Combinations) When 2 of the 3 digits are same. | 001-002-003-004-005-006-007-008-009 011-022-033-044-055-066-077-088-099 112-113-114-115-116-117-118-119 122-133-144-155-166-177-188-199 223-224-225-226-227-228-229 233-244-255-266-277-288-299 334-335-336-337-338-339 344-355-366-377-388-399 445-446-447-448-449 455-466-477-488-499 556-557-558-559 566-577-588-599 667-668-669 677-688-699 778-779 788-799 889 899 |
Consecutive Singles (10 Combinations) | 012-019-089-123-234 345456-567-678-789 |
Consecutive Doubles (20 Combinations) | 001-009-011-099 112-122 223-233 334-344 445-455 556-566 667-677 778-788 889-899 |
Consecutive Pairs (90 Combinations) When at least 2 digits are consecutive | 001-009-011-012-013-014-015-016-017-018-019 023-029-034-039-045-049-056-059-067-069-078-079-089-099 112-122-123-124-125-126-127-128-129 134-145-156-167-178-189 223-233-234-235-236-237-238-239 245-256-267-278-289 334-344-345-346-347-348-349-356-367-378-389 445-455-456-457-458-459-467-478-489 556-566-567-568-569-578-589 667-677-678-679-689 778-788-789 889-899 |
Wild Matches (50 Combinations) When there No Doubles and No Consecutives | 024-025-026-027-028 035-036-037-038 046-047-048 057-058 068 135-136-137-138-139 146-147-148-149 157-158-159 168-169 179 246-247-248-249 257-258-259 268-269 279 357-358-359 368-369 379 468-469 479 579 |
1 Even, 2 Odd Numbers (75 Combinations) | 011-013-015-017-019-033-035-037-039 055-057-059-077-079-099 112-114-116-118-123-125-127-129-134 136-138-145-147-149 156-158-167-169-178-189 233-235-237-239-255-257-259-277-279-299 334-336-338-345-347-349 356-358-367-369-378-389 455-457-459-477-479-499 556-558-567-569-578-589 677-679-699 778-789 899 |
2 Even, 1 Odd Number (75 Combinations) | 001-003-005-007-009-012-014-016-018-023-025-027-029 034-036-038-045-047-049-056-058-067-069-078-089 122-124-126-128-144-146-148-166-168-188 223-225-227-229-234-236-238-245-247-249 256-258-267-269-278-289 344-346-348-366-368-388 445-447-449-456-458-467-469-478-489 566-568-588 667-669-678-689 788-889 |
All Even Numbers (35 Combinations) | 000-002-004-006-008-022-024-026-028 044-046-048-066-068-088 222-224-226-228-244-246-248-266-268-288 444-446-448-466-468-488 666-668-688 888 |
All Odd Numbers (35 Combinations) | 111-113-115-117-119-133-135-137-139 155-157-159-177-179-199 333-335-337-339-355-357-359-377-379-399 555-557-559-577-579-599 777-779-799 999 |

this site is very informative thank u for creating it im definitely joining the gold membership real soon.
Thanks for the kind comment. Its good to know that you were able to find informative information in the website. Thanks.
Do you have any analysis or information on “clean” Pick 3 number sets?
Thank you
Never heard of it. If you can provide more details, I will b happy to add that information also for easy access by everyone. Thanks.
Their are 80 combinations of 1-even-low and 2-odd-high. Then there is 2- even-low and 1-odd-high considered “clean” numbers. I have tracked these and they do hit every other draw but I need your help tracking/frequency. Thanks for your consideration.
Tracking frequency of such numbers can be easily done for single state or all states (combined) , using the Custom User List Tracker for Pick 3 and Pick 4. You need to have the list of such numbers. you can copy all such number combinations separated by comma in the custom list tracker and select All or specific state and time period. It will tell you exactly how often they are appearing for any state using a single click. Since list of sch numbers be static, you can store them in notepad and use every time using custom list tracker.… Read more »
Here is the example with screen shots using 1-Even -Low. Please try for other combinations by yourself. You can then combine all together for tracking if you like.
You can create any combinations of clean numbers using multiple combinations combined using filter screen.
Thank you so much for the “how to” this just what I needed. I narrowed down my mirror pairs list from the clean numbers chart. Thanks again ya’ll are great. Happy winnings to all.