Discussion Board for Wednesday December 30th , 2020

Discussion Board for Wednesday December 30th , 2020

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Useful Link(s): Daily Triggers & Alerts ; Pick 3 & Pick 4 Rules ; How to Post Image(s) ; State Lottery Information

Pick 3 Stellar Combinations
Selected Date 2020-12-30
Date Format Used DD-MM-YYYY
Key(s) Used 8,2,9,3,7,0
Single Combinations 027 , 389 , 023 , 028 , 029 , 037 , 038 , 039 , 078 , 079 , 089 , 237 , 238 , 239 , 278 , 279 , 289 , 378 , 379 , 789
Double Combinations 277 , 223 , 099 , 088 , 077 , 033 , 022 , 009 , 008 , 007 , 003 , 002 , 227 , 228 , 229 , 233 , 288 , 299 , 337 , 338 , 339 , 377 , 388 , 399 , 778 , 779 , 788 , 799 , 889 , 899
Triple Combinations 000 , 222 , 333 , 777 , 888 , 999
Total Combinations to play 56
Pick 4 Stellar Combinations
Selected Date 2020-12-30
Date Format Used DD-MM-YYYY
Key(s) Used 8,2,9,3,7,0
Single Combinations 2789 , 0237 , 0238 , 0239 , 0278 , 0279 , 0289 , 0378 , 3789 , 0379 , 0389 , 0789 , 2378 , 2379 , 2389
Double Combinations 0788 , 2279 , 2278 , 2239 , 2238 , 2237 , 0899 , 0889 , 0799 , 2289 , 0779 , 0778 , 0399 , 0388 , 0377 , 0339 , 0338 , 0337 , 2337 , 2338 , 2339 , 2377 , 2388 , 2399 , 2778 , 2779 , 2788 , 2799 , 2889 , 2899 , 3378 , 3379 , 3389 , 0299 , 7899 , 7889 , 7789 , 3899 , 3889 , 3799 , 3788 , 3779 , 3778 , 0023 , 0027 , 0028 , 0029 , 0038 , 0288 , 0277 , 0233 , 0229 , 0228 , 0227 , 0223 , 0089 , 0079 , 0078 , 0039 , 0037
Double Double Combinations 2233 , 0022 , 0033 , 0077 , 0088 , 0099 , 2277 , 2288 , 2299 , 3377 , 3388 , 3399 , 7788 , 7799 , 8899
Triple Combinations 8999 , 8889 , 7999 , 7888 , 7779 , 7778 , 3999 , 3888 , 3777 , 3339 , 3338 , 2999 , 0888 , 0002 , 0003 , 0007 , 0008 , 0009 , 0222 , 0333 , 0777 , 3337 , 0999 , 2223 , 2227 , 2228 , 2229 , 2333 , 2777 , 2888
Quad Combinations 0000 , 2222 , 3333 , 7777 , 8888 , 9999
Total Combinations to play 126

Date Digit(s) Combinations
Date 2020-12-30
Key(s) Used 0,5,3,7
3-Digits Single Combinations 035 , 037 , 057 , 357
3-Digits Double Combinations 003 , 005 , 007 , 033 , 055 , 077 , 335 , 337 , 355 , 377 , 557 , 577
3-Digits Triple Combinations 000 , 333 , 555 , 777
4-Digits Single Combinations 0357
4-Digits Double Combinations 0035 , 0037 , 0057 , 0335 , 0337 , 0355 , 0377 , 0557 , 0577 , 3357 , 3557 , 3577
4-Digits Double Double Combinations 0033 , 0055 , 0077 , 3355 , 3377 , 5577
4-Digits Triple Combinations 0003 , 0005 , 0007 , 0333 , 0555 , 0777 , 3335 , 3337 , 3555 , 3777 , 5557 , 5777
4-Digits Quad Combinations 0000 , 3333 , 5555 , 7777
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4 years ago

FYI: December Day of Year numbers are 336(12/01) through 365(12/31).
Researched using “Advanced Lottery Results with Date filters” tool and found these Day of Year hits for December All States:
12/03 338 VA boxed
12/10 345 WI Str8
12/14 349 DE boxed
12/17 352 VA boxed
12/20 355 TriStates boxed
12/24 359 NE Str8
12/25 360 MI boxed
12/28 363 GA Night boxed.
Good luck all.

4 years ago

The All States Monthly Calendar view you can see that the majority of the time when a double falls in midday draw, a double follows in Eve draw. Too cool Thanks again LMB!

4 years ago
Reply to  Charloote

Thank You. The monthly calendar view across all states, gives a good perspective to see results visually. Helpful for all multi-state players. Good Luck.