Filter Common Combinations

Filter Number Combination Values

Please use this tool to find common values between 2 set of number combinations. This tool is helpful to quickly find the common number combinations from different lottery workouts.

Main List Values: Use this Text Box to copy all the values from which you want to find the common values by comparing with another list of values. All the values should be entered using a comma separator. e.g. 1234, 3456

Comparison List: Add the number combinations in this Text Box that you want to filter in the main list. All the values should be entered using a comma separator. e.g. 1234, 3456

Common Values Found in the Main List: This Text box contains all the common number combinations from the Main List of Values which are also found in the Comparison List of Values.

Main List of Values (Comma Separated)
Comparision List of Values (Comma Separated)
Elimination List of Values (Comma Separated)
Key Digits (Comma Separated)
Upper Limit: Upper Limit:

Common Values found in the Main List of Values as compared to the Comparision Values

Common Values Found in the Main List1
Values only found in Main List w.r.t. List 20
Filtered Main List Based on Key Digits